Buy Perjeta (Pertuzumab) Online


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Buy Perjeta (Pertuzumab) Online For Sale


Buy Perjeta (Pertuzumab) Online is primarily used in the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer, a type of breast cancer that overexpresses the HER2 protein. It works by targeting and blocking the HER2 receptor on cancer cells, preventing them from growing and spreading. Here are the main uses:

  1. Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Perjeta is often combined with trastuzumab (Herceptin) and chemotherapy as a neoadjuvant (before surgery) or adjuvant (after surgery) treatment. It helps shrink tumors before surgery or reduce the risk of cancer recurrence after surgery.
  2. Metastatic Breast Cancer: Perjeta is used for treating advanced or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer, typically in combination with trastuzumab and chemotherapy


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